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Mar 2024

Orthographic Image Projection with D3

In this example, I take a flat image and simulate a 3D effect onto a spherical projection with D3.

  <title>Orthographic Image Projection with D3</title>
  <script src="d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  <script src="d3-geo.v1.min.js"></script>
  <script src="versor.js"></script>
  const createNode = (options) => {
    const node = document.createElement(options.tag);
    if(options.className) node.setAttribute('class',options.className);
    if(options.innerHTML) node.innerHTML = options.innerHTML;
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    if( Object.keys( =>[key] =[key]);
    if(options.root) options.root.appendChild(node);
    return node;
  const getImageData = ({ src, size }) => new Promise(resolve => {
    const shadow_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    const shadow_context = shadow_canvas.getContext('2d');
    const image = new Image();
    image.onload = () => {
      const ratio = Math.min(image.naturalWidth / size, size / image.naturalHeight);
      let draw_width = Math.ceil(image.naturalWidth * ratio);
      let draw_height = Math.ceil(image.naturalHeight * ratio);
      shadow_canvas.setAttribute('width', draw_width);
      shadow_canvas.setAttribute('height', draw_height);
      shadow_context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.naturalWidth, image.naturalHeight, 0, 0, draw_width, draw_height);
      var imageData = shadow_context.getImageData(0, 0, draw_width, draw_height);
      return resolve({ data:, width: draw_width, height: draw_height });
    image.src = src; 
  class App {
      document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleMousemove.bind(this));
      document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMousemove.bind(this));
      document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMousedown.bind(this));
      document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleMousedown.bind(this));
      document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseup.bind(this));
      document.addEventListener('touchend', this.handleMouseup.bind(this));
      this.globes = [];
      this.els = [];
      this.frame = 0;
      this.globe_size = 360;
      this.r1 = [0,0,0]; = false;
      this.processing = false;
      this.grab_to_rotate = false;
    async init(){
      if(this.raf) cancelAnimationFrame(this.raf);
      this.root = document.getElementById('root');
      // const load_image = await getImageData({ src: 'earth.png', size: this.globe_size });
      // this.map_image_data =;
      // this.width = load_image.width;
      // this.height = load_image.height;
      await this.setMapProjectionImage('earth.png');
      this.els.canvas_globe = createNode({ root: this.root, tag: 'canvas', attributes: { width: this.globe_size, height: this.globe_size } });
      this.els.actions = createNode({ root: this.root, tag: 'div', className: 'actions', innerHTML: `
        <button data-src="earth.png">Earth</button>
        <button data-src="moon.jpg">Moon</button>
        <button data-src="mars.jpeg">Mars</button>
        <button data-src="spongebob.jpeg">Spongebob</button>
        <button data-grab_toggle="true">Toggle Grab</button>
      ` });
      this.context = this.els.canvas_globe.getContext('2d');
      this.projection = d3.geo.orthographic().scale( (this.globe_size / 2) + 1.5).translate([this.globe_size / 2, this.globe_size / 2]).rotate([0,-20,-20]).clipAngle(90);
      this.path = d3.geo.path().projection(this.projection);
      this.lambda = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, this.width]).range([-180, 180]);
      this.phi = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, this.height]).range([90, -90]);
      this.raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.render.bind(this));
    async setMapProjectionImage(src) {
      const load_image = await getImageData({ src: src, size: this.globe_size });
      this.map_image_data =;
      this.width = load_image.width;
      this.height = load_image.height;
    async handleChangeMap(event) {
        await this.setMapProjectionImage(;
      } else if( {
        this.grab_to_rotate = !this.grab_to_rotate;
    handleMousedown(event){ = !!'canvas');
      if(! return;
      const clientX = !!event.touches ? event.touches[0].layerX : event.layerX;
      const clientY = !!event.touches ? event.touches[0].layerY : event.layerY;
      this.v0 = versor.cartesian(this.projection.invert([clientX, clientY]));
      this.r0 = this.projection.rotate();
      this.q0 = versor(this.r0);
      if(! return;
      const clientX = !!event.touches ? event.touches[0].layerX : event.layerX;
      const clientY = !!event.touches ? event.touches[0].layerY : event.layerY;      
      this.v1 = versor.cartesian(this.projection.rotate(this.r0).invert([clientX, clientY]));
      this.q1 = versor.multiply(this.q0,, this.v1));
      this.r1 = versor.rotation(this.q1);
    handleMouseup(event){ = false;
      if(this.processing) return;
      this.processing = true;
      const data = new Uint8ClampedArray(img_data.length);
      for (let y = 0; y < this.height; ++y) {
        for (let x = 0; x < this.width; ++x) {
          const index = (y * this.width + x) * 4;
          const [lambda,phi] = this.projection.invert([x, y]);
          let imageX = Math.trunc((lambda + 180) / 360 * this.width); 
          let imageY = Math.trunc((90 - phi) / 180 * this.height);
          const imageIndex = (imageY * this.width + imageX) * 4;    
          data[index] = img_data[imageIndex];
          data[index + 1] = img_data[imageIndex + 1];
          data[index + 2] = img_data[imageIndex + 2];
          data[index + 3] = 255;
          if(y === this.height -1 && x === this.width -1 ) {
            this.processing = false;
            return new ImageData(data, this.width, this.height);
    async render(){
        this.projection.rotate([this.r1[0], this.r1[1], this.r1[2]]);
      } else {
        this.frame += 1;
        const rotation = this.frame * 0.5;
        const lambda = this.lambda(rotation);
        this.projection.rotate([lambda , -20, -20 ]);
      const updatedMapImageData = await this.updateLayerImageData(this.map_image_data);
      this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.globe_size, this.globe_size);
      this.context.putImageData(updatedMapImageData, 0, 0);
      this.raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.render.bind(this));
  const app = new App(); 
    body { background: #000 }
    #root { width: 100%; height: 500px; overflow: hidden; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; position: relative; z-index: 2; }
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        radial-gradient(2px 2px at 20px 30px, #eee, rgba(0,0,0,0)),
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    canvas:active { cursor: grabbing;}
    .actions { padding: 40px 0 0 0; }
  <div id="root"></div>
  <div id="space">
    <div class="stars"></div>
    <div class="stars"></div>
    <div class="stars"></div>
    <div class="stars"></div>
    <div class="stars"></div>

I used D3 previously to add SVG paths to an orthographic project, but what about an image? I first set out to find some quality map flat map images. For my example, I use an assortment of planetary projections, but any image will work.

I first load the image data from file, and on each rAF interval, the pixel data is manipulated to fit onto the projection. Its not very performant with large images, but is effective for its simplicity. Lastly, a CSS starfield in the background for a nice touch.

Project Assets

Asset File Description
earth.png Download Earth
mars.jpeg Download Mars
moon.jpg Download Moon
spongebob.jpeg Download Spongebob
d3.v3.min.js Download D3
d3-geo.v1.min.js Download D3 Geo (for creating the orthographic projection)
versor.js Download Versor.js (for panning the globe)